Next.js Blog with prisma

Next 13
TanStack Query

A modern, performant, and customizable blog built with Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, Prisma, and TanStack Query.

Logo of next 13, prisma, tailwindcss, vercel, and tanstack query

Project Overview

This application uses technologies such as Prisma which is an ORM for databases, Next.js which is a framework for React, Tailwindcss which is a css framework, TanStack Query which is a library for state management. The project consists of a blog, where the user can create, edit and delete posts. All changes are saved in the database.

Key Features

  • ✅ Next.js 13: SEO and performance for each page.
  • ✨ Tailwind CSS: Responsive and modern styling.
  • ⚡ Prisma: Fast database.
  • 🔥 TanStack Query: State and cache management.
  • 🚀 Vercel: Deployment and hosting.